What is rate of concrete surface rendering work per sqm
what is thickness of NP2 hume pipe?
material required for construction of 1cu.mtr wall (Cement, No of bricks (Brick size 40cm x 20cm x 10cm),sand,Quantity of water
what is the formula to find the sttel (bar)length in beam having bent up at l/4 t 45 degree & 60 degree.
How Can You Design Aisolated Footing Subjected To Tenstion Force?
At present which is the latest and best technology for waterproofing in India 1) Roof waterprofing, 2) Basement waterproofing and 3) Toilet waterproofing
Pls help me to arrive the rates for centering shuttering for highbay using H-frames?
what is mean by design concrete
types of piles detail,
0 Answers DLF, IVRCL, JP Group,
What is the design mix? What is the proportion for M25, M35, M40 concrete mix.
9 Answers ACC, DBM, Era Infra Engineering, Thakural Constructions,
What is the maxi. percentage of steel in compression memeber of C/s area & what is minimum dia for compression member as per IS 456:2000?
what is the constant weight of the 6mm,8mm,10mm,12mm,20mm,25mm etc.............dia bars in 1meter
what is fe 415 steel
15 Answers L&T, Nabard, Rahul Computers,