Is there anyway to undelete work items in sap workflow after I have logically deleted them already?
Hi my name is Itumeleng an i am an intern at my company, I currently helping out the execution architecture team with their deliverables. What kind of information goes to Technical Specification for SAP Business workfllows?
Data Migration and Management will be done in Golive stage
What is the integration point with ess portal?
hi, i have trained in sap mm module but now am belongs to sap srm team, please share your basic ideas about srm and tell me the business process flows and tell me the things which is in technical side and business side,please reply me as soon as possible.
What are the different types of wf agents?
You want to configure the sap workflow to send a pop-up message to the approver when the purchase requisitions are ready for them to act upon. How will you do that?
In production server how many clients are there?
What is a work item ? How does it differ from a simple sap office mail item?
Explain webflow?
How will you do the creating timed events.
What is the use of secondary methods in an activity?
What is sap workflow?