How can I find out which users are holding up the workflows?
can any1 send documents on how 2 understand Workflow, with say a simple example to try out in SAP ?
Explain the different workflow steps activities?
I want to find out who the approver has been substituted with in the system. How can I do that?
What are the agent determination techniques?
What is the difference between work item and notification e-mail?
You want to undelete work items in sap workflow after logically deleting them. How will you do that?
How will you do the capture the username of the person who approves or rejects a po.
Difference between asynchronous and synchronous methods in a task.
Explain webflow?
How can I look inside another user’s sbwp workflow inbox?
Define business workflow using abap classes?
List the various advantages of sap business workflow.?