what are the fields in traceablity matixes.
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Answer / karthik
Traceability matrix is a document that maps the
requirements with the testcase to see whether the test are
within the scope ie whether we are covering each and every
features mentioned in the requirements.
following fields are essential in traceability matrix,
1. Requirement id
2. Description
3. Test case id's
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / venkatesh
It seems it looks like:
Requirement ID Description Test Case ID
Requirements ID Here description of Id of test
should be given Test case ID
should be netered is entered
under this column
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Answer / swetha yadav
Requirement Traceability Matrix is a document that maps and traces user requirement with test cases. The main purpose of Requirement Traceability Matrix is to see that all test cases are covered so that no functionality should miss while doing Software testing. So fields that included for RTM are below
• Requirement ID
• Risks
• Requirement Type and Description
• Trace to design specification
• Unit test cases
• Integration test cases
• System test cases
• User acceptance test cases
• Trace to test script
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Answer / ramjay
Fields in Traceablity Matixes are
Unique No.
Source of Requirement
Software Reqs. Spec / Functional Req. Doc.
Design Spec.
Program Module
Test Spec.
Test Case(s)
Successful Test Verification
Modification of Requirement
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Answer / srikumaran
Can anyone give me a sample of any of the specified
columns? It will be useful for my reference.
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Answer / rajendra
Hai i am Rajendra,
The fields in Traceablity Matrix are
1.Bussiness requirements
8.Securiry ..tec
are colums with No of testcases column
Traceability matric will analyse the number of testcases
are enough for testing for a given module or not.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / v.vengateshbabu
The fields in Traceablity Matrix are
1.Requirement id's
2.MMI document id's
3.Test case id's
4.PRS number
5.Test case
6.In test cases what are all sanity and system.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / indu
Tracebality matrix has below columns
Req. id
test case id
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 4 No |
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