what are the pre-requisites that should be taken before assigning sap_all to a user even there is an approval from authorization controllers?
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What are the steps involved in SAP Security upgradation projects and also in SAP security impletation projects
which ticketing tool is used in your company?Explain ticketig process?
does composit role has autherisations,how to we add the org values in composit role,What is the max authorizations objects that can be assigned to a profile
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Could you please let me know the exact step by step process for the following Questions. 1.How to get the E-Mail address for 100 users at a time. 2.While Creating BW roles what are the Authorization Objects we will use. 3.While Creating Single role what will be happened in the functional side, when entered the Template role in the derived role tab. 4.when we changed the password for more users(for example:100 users) where the password will be stored or from where you can Re-Collect the password and how will you Communicate the password to all users at a time. 5.What is Virsa? Once you entered in to the screen what it will perform. 6.What is the use of SU24 & SM24. 7.While Creating BW roles what are the Authorization Objects we will use. 8.While Creating Single role what will be happened in the functional side, when you entered the Template role in the derived role tab. 9.What is Dialog users, Batch users and Communicate users. What is the use with Communicate user. 10.Can we add one Composite role in to another Composite role at any urgent user requests or in normal user requests. 11.In Transport what type of Request we will use.Why don't we use Workbench request in transport. 12.When we added Authorization Object in Template role, at the same time what will be happen in Derived role. 13.How to Check Profile parameter. And how to find whether any transport has ended with error and where we can check. 14.How to Extract users list like who didn't login since 3 months. And In 90 Days user Locking in which table we will use. 15.What is OSS Connection and System Opening and why we have to open these. 16.What will have in one single role and how many prifiles will be in one sap cua system. 17.What is the difference between Template role & Derive role.
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what is the difference between PFCG,PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY&PFUD???
whts the differents between SoX ,SoD??????wht kind of work Sox do as wel .....SoD do? whts is virsa??????? and VRAT,,,,VFAT,, how it workin security.