Which block stops the system from creating the picking list?
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A Client wants to connect his SAP ECC system to his SAP CRM system. What do you want to do to enable the integration. a)Install the plug-in on the CRM system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the ECC system b)Install the XIF adapter on the CRM system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the ECC system c) Install the XIF adapter in the ECC system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the CRM system D)Install the plug-in on the ECC system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the CRM system
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Do you know what is made to order scenario or make-to-stock scenario? SO, in the make-to-order scenario, what’s the integration touchpoint that you figure MRP? My question is when you have a make-to-order scenario, how does MRP will be figured? How system know that when you create a sale order whether the sale order is calling for make to order or make to the stock type of order, which data determined this is made to order make to stock…. The system should understand when I create an order, whether it’s made to order or make to stock, so which parameter which value that system will be determined based on that system will say okay this make to order so I need to I mean the system has to go to the next level then it’s going to the MRP all the subsequent planning will be taken taking place, what’s the parameter that we have to check?
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