How do planned and unplanned consumption affect movement types?
What is Batch management & how it is working?
when we doing migo storage location option not display
What are the possible values for 'procurement types'?
If the recruiter is expecting thorough Knowledge\exp on the following topics:- o Material master o Vendor master o Purchasing o Release strategy o Inventory management What type of questions can i expect ? Please mention some important questions
Can you post physical inventory document for a new material in sap or movement type 701 in sap mm?
what are the accounts created in sap mm?
What is GR blocked stock? When it can be used?
What is the class type?
What are the important steps in the procurement life cycle?
Can forecast model be selected automatically?
Can anyone plz tell me what is a procedure( in detail step by step ) to migrate from tax procedure TAXINJ to TAXINN ?
How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type?