how many indexes can be created for a table?
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Answer / sharath
1 Primary Index and 21 secondary Index totally 22 Index we can create in ECC6.00.
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Answer / gopi paruchuri
16 Primary indexes and 9 secondary indexes
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Answer / damodar reddy
For any table we can create 1 primary index and maximum of
15 secondary indexes.
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Answer / niranj
You should not create more than five indexes for any one
table because:
Whenever you change table fields that occur in the index,
the index itself is also updated. The amount of data
increases. The optimizer has too many chances to make
mistakes by using the 'wrong' index.
If you are using more than one index for a database table,
ensure that they do not overlap.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 7 No |
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