Explain the 'sales organization.' How it is assigned to a 'plant'?
How do you print out documents, such as order confirmations?
what is access key? how it is obtained? i was asked access key while creating data transfer routine
what are the A/c s debited and which A/c s crideted after saving the Invice?
Hi All Need immediate help In BOM After creating Main and conditon materials when i go to excute CS01 and enter the values in the table and try to save the condition the system throws a error that this item category is not accepted . Can some one help me as to why this error comes and what must be the industry and the service group
Customer realized its a faulty material and returns, now from SAP Front what is the process to take back and Scrap the Material as its no more of use
What are technical questions asked in SAP -sd module
What are the accounting entries for billing, PGI, Stock Transfer order, Excise invoice, Customer payment?
Can somebody tell...how the configuration is done for the automatic appearance of delevery date...loading date....transportation date..picking date...packing date...etc when we create delivery after sales order transaction? Step-wise configuration answer will be appreciated?
what is difference between SD account key and FI account key?
after delivery what document raised in sd ? after billing what doc raised?
What are the influencing factors for account determination for invoice?
How to create production order from sales order automatically, what are the configuration?