For performing heavy duty operations what is suitable di api or di server ?
hi, what is the diffrence between Psa And IDoc
your process chain link with ABAP Program,suppose your ABAP Code need some changes how you do this(your process chain is in running stage)
What is the value returned by a method when it executes successfully?
What are the different types of datasources ?
What is the difference between canceling the sales order and closing the sales order?
If You Create a Compounding Attribute How many primary Keys it Generates?
what is cell formatting? and advantages?
What are the benefits of sap business one?
Where does di server executes i.e. Client or server ?
Explain core modules of sap business one?
Can we format BEx reports/graphs using HTML and CSS
1. We have standard info objects given in sap why you created zinfo objects can u tell me the business scenario