What is purchase requisition as related to sap? Mention the document types that are used in purchase requisition?
How to show the vendor codes for freight, Octroi and Comission at item details in purchase order
What are the key fields for the material master?
What is the difference between release procedure with classification and without classification and when they used?
How is a goods receipt performed?
Suppose we change the price of a material in purchase info record, will it change the price in all purchase orders where material is yet to deliver?
What is a mrp area?
What is split valuation? When is it used?
What is mysap erp? What business components can it be classified into?
How can we have 2 GL accounts using same valuation class in material master ? split valuation process example we are procuring materials from two different destinations I will use same valuation class but I want two different GL accounts to be hit.
what are the data contained in the information record?
Explain cut-over process in sap mm?
what is user exit in SAP MM? what is message output determination process in SAP MM