3.what is alias?

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3.what is alias? ..

Answer / nareshkumar

Aliases are references to existing tables in a schema. An
Alias is a table that is an exact duplicate of the original
table with a different name. The data in the table is
exactly the same as the original table. An alias breaks a
loop by using the same table twice in the same query for a
different purpose.

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3.what is alias? ..

Answer / g.v.subramanyam

alias is logical popint to alternate to the table name.this
can be used to resolve the loops.

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3.what is alias? ..

Answer / swades

An alias is a logical pointer to an alternate table name.
Exact copy of the original table.Establish a one-one join
between the original table and the table which is aliased.
The aggregatre results should be canned on to the aliased
table and not the original table.

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3.what is alias? ..

Answer / vams_gk

alias is a logical table of existing look up table.using
alias we can resolve looops

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3.what is alias? ..

Answer / raga

one user prefrom different roles is called alias

two dept are there sales , HR
user of sales working in HR with different row is called

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