I need to select the rows based on the
latest 'Payment_due_date' column value.
Let's say I have a Deski report with 3 columns:

Report is like this:
02/28/11 , Bob, 115
03/31/11 , Bob, 90
02/28/11 , Mike, 120
02/28/11 , Susan, 220
05/31/11 , Bob, 80,
03/31/11 , Susan, 70
05/31/11 , Mike, 220
05/31/11 , Susan, 120
04/30/11 , Susan, 130

So,we would like to see (based on latest Payment_due_date)
05/31/11 , Bob, 80,
05/31/11 , Mike, 220
05/31/11 , Susan, 120

Oustanding_Amt comes as SUM(Oustanding_Amt) from Universe.
If we use Max(Payment_due_date),we do get one row but then,
the column 'Oustanding_Amt' sums up.
Not allowed to use do SQL Override .Context Operators
aren't working.

Thanks in advance:)

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I need to select the rows based on the latest 'Payment_due_date' column value. Let'..

Answer / rajitha praburam

You can get the required results by using RANK function.

Create an object 'Rank' with Number Data type and the below
select option.


In the report, use report level filter add Rank = 1

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I need to select the rows based on the latest 'Payment_due_date' column value. Let'..

Answer / rahul

You can achieve this by having a condition.
i.e put payment_date in condition panel-->select operator
as "equal to"-->operand "calculation"-->follow the
steps"select object(payement_date)"-->select function
(maximum)-->Globally-->for each value of one or more objects
(cust name)--finish

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I need to select the rows based on the latest 'Payment_due_date' column value. Let'..

Answer / gs2kumar@gmail.com

Max(Payment_due_date) use this in report level create a variable or in cell.

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