what is fantrap and chasmtrap ?

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what is fantrap and chasmtrap ?..

Answer / santhosh

Fantrap means one-to-many joins of the tables it is
detected by visval analysis. By using fantrap problem is
many rows than expected. Through aliases,context and check
mutiple sql statements for each measures option we can
solve this problem.

chasm trap means two or more many to one joins converge on
to a single lookup table

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what is fantrap and chasmtrap ?..

Answer / krish

Chasam Trap:

chasm trap means many-to-one and one-to-many join relation
converge on to a single lookup table, because of this we
get incorrect results i.e., cartision product, We will
resolved by using some times alias, some times context,
some times shortcut join and check mutiple context for each
measures option.

Fan Trap:

Fantrap means one-to-many and one-to-many join relation of
the tables it is detected by visval analysis, because of
this we get incorrect results i.e., cartision product,
We will resolved by using some times alias, some times
shortcut join and check mutiple sql statements for each
measures option.

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what is fantrap and chasmtrap ?..

Answer / shiva

these two are the loop problems
fantrap-fanning out of one to many leads to one to many
relation ships
chasamtrap-converging two fact tables into single lookup
fantrap can be solved by alias
chasamtrap can be solved by context

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what is fantrap and chasmtrap ?..

Answer / nmr

fantarp is nothing but 2 one to many realation turned as 1
one to many realation.
the report doesn't get exact results ,
we can solve it useing contexts,
chasm trap 2 many to one realtionship tuned in to one
doesn't fetch exact results
we can solve the problem useing alias or context
based on require ment.

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what is fantrap and chasmtrap ?..

Answer / nmr

fantarp is nothing but 2 one to many realation turned as 1
one to many realation.
the report doesn't get exact results ,
we can solve it useing contexts,
chasm trap 2 many to one realtionship tuned in to one
doesn't fetch exact results
we can solve the problem useing alias or context
based on require ment.

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