hi,in crystal report xI after select stantderd report Data
window appear when ever i click Repository folder it ask me
system/user name and p/w and when ever i put my info it
says:Tranport falier :comunication error,can any body tell
me what to do i already reinstall this s/w 3 times(every
thing is working with same user name and p/w like
xcelsois,webi,deski,desinger,cmc u name it..thanks
Is import wizard, report conversion tool, report comparison tool, security viewer ---- where all r migrating tools. whether all the tools available in BOXIR2? ..
how to test the reports if there are multiple sql statements?i,e if there is 1 single sql statement we can copy it and paste it in TOAD or someother tools to test it but if we have multiple sql statements in a single query????
@prompt('message',['type'],[lov],[mono/multi], [free/constraint]) what is Constraint?
What type of schemas did you use in your project?Andwhy did you use that schema
Explain the BO Developer WORK FLOW?
wat is the difference between full clinet report and thin client report?wat is the difference between desktop intelligence and web intelligence?
is there any way to know how long the report executes and how many records will be returned before hitting the "run" option?
what is isolated joins in check integrity
What is the slice and dice?
How to create a Pop-up in BOXIR2. Ex:- A class is having an object as "AGE", whenever this object is used in the reporting level automatically a pop- up will be coming which shows a prompt as "Please use the object DOB".
Explain the SQL Queries activated to data base from Data provider in BO ?
Types of universes in business objects?