Explain the general ways of how a crm can be enhanced?
What are the uses of service order management?
What do you mean by pcui cookbook?
What are the key factors to consider in replicating the existing r/3 sales orders to crm? What do we lose if we do not replicate these sales order's over?
Mention the various types of business documents?
Where do we capture the cost in marketing planning & campaign management?, Apart from SAP on how many softwares we can run CRM ?
What is Sales Contract? What are the contract types? What are the customizations for sales contracts? Please tell me one sales contract scenario How to cancel a sales contact from sales scenario?
what do sap crm consultants do in realtime
what is the relation between crm and sapr3 architecture
mention the tactics for the objective "brand awareness "
What is Sales Methodology?
How will you know if the data has been successfully transferred?
I have dont BE through correspondence, and have a functional experience of 3 years. I which all companies I cannot apply. I know TCS is strict on this. What about the other companies?