Name various work processes of R/3 system?
What is the means of communications between R/3 and external applications?
From hardware perspective, every information system can be divided into three task areas presentation, application logic and data storage.
How can I copy a standard table to make my own z_table.?
Name a range of work processes of r/3 system?
How can we define an mm module?
How are the background jobs of a r/3 system initiated at a specified time?
What are the different types of views in sap r/3 system?
How to assign the logical system to client?
Can we run business warehouse without sap r/3 implementation?
What are the different modules in sap r/3?
What are the data loading tuning from r/3 to bw, ff to bw?
What is the t-code to get into rar from r/3?