Difference between /N and /BEND?
What is an internal table?
what are parameters of DDCinsert fun module ?
How do I find the output type of a table or a program?
Events in Interactive Report?
Difference between Call screen, Leave screen and Set screen.
1 Answers Process Weaver, Wipro,
Can you create a script with out a main window ?
In Dialog program Syntax of Synchronous and Asynchronous?
Which one of the following statements would occur in the PBO of a dialog program using table control? a) module user_command. b) set screen '0100'. c) loop at itab. d) loop at itab with control itab_tc.
ABAP : Classical reports events name
What is the main point while using control break in internal table ?
What are the data classes in abap?
can we debug the smartform if yes how can we debug