What loads the lagging and leading effects comes in a
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Answer / pushkar dixit
A capacitive load produces leading i.e current leads over
the voltage(by +90 deg for ideal load if voltage is
whereas an inductive load produces lagg effect i.e current
lags behind the voltage( by -90 deg for ideal load if
voltage is taken as reference)
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Answer / s.chinnasami
in inductive &capacitive load respectively
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Answer / kandhavel.u
The lag and lead are produced by capacitive an inductive
behaviour of the conductor.the wire has all capacitys like
resistance,capacitace and inductance.based on these it
produces a difference in the phase between the I and
V.which we call the lag or lead.But Lag and Lead are what
the I goes with respect to V so depending upon the I's
position we state that as lag or lead.
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Answer / nagaraj .n (bush king)
Inductive loads effects comes in lagging pf.
capacitive loads effects comes in leading pf.
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Answer / isaac fobi
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