How to map Idocs in app
what is sort key
11 Answers IBM, IDES, Wipro,
Currency gain - loss at PPV, how is it possible to split the PPV in: 1. Price related PPV and 2. Currency related PPV?
How do you take the balances onto fixed asset reconciliation accounts during data take-on?
Explain automatic payment program configuration? : fi- accounts payable
What is a document in sap? : fi- general ledger
What do you mean by cost carrier ?
What is cost center hierarchy? : cost center accounting
What is the difference between set screen and call screen?
What is credit control area in sap?
What is an automatic posting? : fi- general ledger
what does line means?
What is sap r/1, r/2, r/3 ? Or difference between r/1,r/2,r/3 ?