Hard shifting of gears would result when
a) There is rapid engagement of gears
b) There is less heat dissipation
c) The clutch inertia is very high
d) There is no clutch free pedal play
What is the three method of heat transfer?
How fuel tank capacity is decided for any two wheeler or four wheeler ???
what is meant by 1)1.8 TSI 4V 1798cc turbocharged 2)2.0 TDI PD 3)bhp 4)front wheel drive car 5)four wheel drive car
which engine have the high mechanical efficiency eighter 2 stroke engine or 4 stroke engine?
What is CX and DX mean or abbreviation for JCB Backhoe Loaders ? I know they are models 3CX is used in Europe and 3DX is used in India but I am looking for the full form of those abbreviations - Thanks
What is the function of commutator in starting system?
where can i get the course for automobile engineering in delhi?
What is Terminal Engine Meltdown?
What is Maru A Process?
What is the difference between Cycle time, standard time & Critical standard time?
How bhp is measured?
what is a stage time