Name any 5 CO tables and How do CO Consultants use the CO tables and other tables?
What are the differences between execute, executequery, and executeupdate?
What is contained in the object repository?
What is aop? And how the aop used in spring?
What is java sql drivermanager?
What is model in sap bpc?
How do you activate a function exit?
Role of Bhartiya Mahila Bank in women upliftment?
Explain php split() function.
what is difference between NP2 NP3 NP4 CONCRETE HUME PIPES USED AT SITE
Brief me about your academic career?
An interior designer designed a rack with the given dimensions. The dimensions are in feet. This coplanar frame repeats at every 5feet and constitute a space frame. The total length is 120feet. Which steel member will you suggest? A square bar, A square tube or a circular tube. Explain.
How would you create your own custom view in iOS operating system?
what is PhaseIII, ODS, TLG, Macro and Proc in SAS
How will you recover the loan from someone who has become bankrupt?