What are the tcodes for performance tuning?
How do you activate a function exit?
What are hashed tables?
What is the difference between leave transaction and call transaction?
What do is landscape in sap project, I think its related to no. Of servers used, pls correct me if I am wrong, or what it is? : sap abap hr
How to Solve a Particular Ticket in Realtime ?
Final class
What is screen flow logic? What are the sections in it? Explain PAI and PBO.
What is the maximum number of structures that can be included in a table or structure
What are the value tables?
Give an example of interface from your project explaining why you used it?
hi experts, "move 'I' to s_ktokd-sign. move 'EQ' to s_ktokd-option." Can any one please explain me meaning of two lines? actually we use this move key word to move a value from one field variable to another field variable? i didn't understand the meaning of these statements?