What are hashed tables?
Types of User exits ?
What is view? Different types of view.
What is the function of a data element?
Why do we need enhancements?
4. You are given functional specs for a BDC program and you need to decide whether to write a method call transaction or a session. How u will decide?
can we debug the smartform if yes how can we debug
what is an user exit?
What are the differences between interactive and drill down reports?
Do you know any other patterns if yes.. explain
what command will use in logical database for retrieve the data (select OR retrieve OR GET)
i have 2 fields on selection screen of a Report along with a check box.My requirement is initially that first field sud be mandatory but when we click on the check box the first field which was mandatory sud now be optional and the second field now sud be mandatory.Please provide the solution asap. thank u.