Draw a simple circuit for a well head control panel used to protect the well against fire, leak, blockage, ESD, & controls the operation of one downhole & one surface safety valve. Explain the operation and controls
how to measure temperature from resistance of rtd?and how to measure temp from voltage of thermocouple?is there any formulas?
While giving Power Supply of 24 VDC to a Transmitter,why Shield Terminal is connected either at Transmitter or at ISB.Why not Shield Terminal connected at both ends.If the Reason is to avoid Noise interference,which type of noice that is interfering.Is the Noice from the 24 VDC supply terminals or from any external source.
what is dead weight tester and where it is used?.
11 Answers DuPont, Jain steels,
pls any1 sugges me book for plc,dcs & scada..
How to calibrate a orifice differential pressure flow transmitter in process?
in split range control system we are using two control valves,but we have only one positioner and one feed back link.so how we use this one feed back link for two control valves?
What is possitive and negative feedback?
For crude application in floating roof tank, how to calibrate a DP Transmitter? How is the floating roof weight considered?
What is input and output of vaiberation transmitter and what is its unit.
what is a half wave, full wave, and bridge rectifer.
what is the formula for changing Range of Transmitter from X mmwc to some Y mmwc with respect to DCS NCMH flow range from x NCMH to y NCMH?