What is the Difference between Power Swing and Out of Step?
what is the need of capacitor in transmission lines?and how it works.
what r the preventive maintenance of air compressor
any one can explain what is the size of pvc,armoured, various sizes of powr cable dia?
who & how the notations given as RYB to 3phase power supply.
What is the equivalent circuit of a transformer and its vector diagram?
What is the difference in Line PT & Bus PT.
Which types of following motors are most efficient?
what is the synchronous timer ? and it applications.
how can we calculate the current
electric contractor ya contactor kia hota hy ? or kesy connect kia jata hy ?
at work we have a 3 phase motor but on testing one phase isnt getting a reading. it runs 24 hours a day all week. stops and starts well no noise or heating. the phase isnt down to earth.is it just a bad meter reading or not? phases one and three came up with a resistance reading of 0.4 but phase 2 couldnt get anything shows up as open circuit.
How to calculate the time setting for star connection in star delta starter? For example 10KW 3PH Induction motor.
0 Answers Taj Group, Tata Steel Limited,