any one can explain what is the size of pvc,armoured,
various sizes of powr cable dia?
why current flow to the opposite direction of flow of electrons???????????
what is the diffrantial relay???????why we use it on the MDB
what are the changes made in induction motor so that it act as induction generator
What is the types of HT motor testing
What are the tests to be taken on a transformer and generator?
why US countries maintains 110v and 60HZ
what happen if transformer neutral not earth
speed of an electric wave
If I want to connect a capacitor bank on the HT side of a 11kV/415V, 3 phase delta-star distribution transformer to supply Reactive power to it..what practical specifications of a Capacitor bank that can i've??please reply..
When we synchronize the Generator BKR with TIE BKR then Gen BKR is hold but TIE BKR is Tripped on Non directional over current but when TIE BKR is Syn. with Gen. BKR then no fault occur so what is the problem
A simple Question from all.... If Voltage drops then its rated value what will be effect on a Residential load? similarly if voltage rises from its rated value then what will be effects on a load? i know if voltage drops the equipment or device draws more current then its rated what are other reasons ? thanks in advance for ur time.......
What will be the diameter of pipe between conservation tank and transformer