If your client say to you that u have to maintained to retained earning account in our co. code , tell me the processor in detail ? what are the benefit for 2 retained earning a/c in same co. code?
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It is a bridge to flow the profit or loss to the balance sheet.
In Customizing, users define the retained earnings account that is assigned to expense accounts during G/L account master record creation. If there is only one retained earnings account, the system automatically uses the one defined in Customizing. If there is more than one retained earnings account, when you create a master record, you can select the retained earnings account for each profit and loss statement account.
steps to create Retained Earning Account
T-code OB53
enter chart of accounts
Account Assignment
in P&L stmt give X
& in Account: give the account number
You can create the account in FS00 later also
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Hello everyone, I need some help. I completed my SAP Fico course and appeared for an interview in IBM under the payroll of WDC- vendor of IBM. Fortunately I have selected for IBM Projects under the payroll of wdc. But worst thing start from there, for 1 month I'm just waiting for a project to allocate for me, but unfortunately no projects have been allocated and after 1 month wdc has released me. Now I fall in a big trouble, i'm not understanding anything what i should i do now? Again I have to start for searching job in sap field and i'm not getting that. So, can anybody help me out and plz. give the information is there any place mainly in kolkata or any information about the other vendors companies or consultancies who are recruiting candidates for MNC companies, is there any requirement going on for sap fico module in kolkata. I have shown just 1 years of exp. in Sap. So, plz. help me out if any one can, i'm in a big trouble. You can mail me also for the information- addie_84@rediffmail.com. Thanks in advance.
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