Recently i am faced an interview. Interviewer asked me " can you explain Third party configuration ? plz tell me thanks in advance
Answer / avishek prakash
We do third party process in below scenario
A. We don't manufacturer the product which we sale to the customer.
B. If stock is not available.
Third party process is customer will place order to the company and company will send it to vendor and vendor deliver the goods to customer and vendor will raise invoice to company and company will raise invoice to customer.
We are doing third party process as without shipping notification and With shipping notification as describe below -
1. Third party process without shipping notification:-
In this process customer will place the order to company then system generate PR. PR will be converted PO and PO will be send to vendor and vendor will deliver the goods to customer and vendor will send invoice to company. Then we create it as MIRO and we raise invoice to customer.
2. Third party with shipping notification:-
We do third party with shipping notification if vendor is not sending invoice immediately while delivering the goods to customer and without vendor invoice we cannot raise invoice to customer. We ask vendor to send shipping notification based on that we create invoice to customer.
In third party process system determine schedule line catogery CS.
Order type- NB,
Item catogery - 5 and
Account assistant catogery- 1.
Order type NB will help to generate PR automatic in the background while creating sales order in third party process.
Item catogery 5 :- item catogery 5 control that even if you do MIGO in third party with shipping notification system will treat as dummy MIGO and stock will not be update.
Account assignment catogery 1 :- account assignment catogery 1 controls that even if you do MIGO in third party with shipping notification system will not generate inventory accounting document. Account assignments catogery 1 will help to pass the customer information from order to PR and PR to PO.
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for one customer i have 2 sold to parties one is for main customer and 2nd is another.when i placed order for both parties receiving point is taking one only why it is. Thank you in is urgent
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