how to find ssm in foundation?
how many moisture content in well seasoned timber
Why Is Propping Required For Long Structures Once The Form Work Is Removed?
give an example for cantilever structure
What Reinforcements Are Used In The Process Of Prestressing?
how to calculate quantities of sand , cement & aggregate in 1m3 - M20 , 1m2 of 6mm/12mm/20mm plaster , 1m3 20cm/ 1m2 of 10cm brick wall, paint quantity for 1m2 snowcem and lime painting?
3 Answers DCPL, EverSun, Pace Power Systems, Sobha Developers,
Define block?
how to calculate no of rings in columns & weight of column rings & column ?
what is the max diameter of bar will provided in 100 mm thick slab
what is c4x light weight cement blocks
Plastering with cm 1:5 mix( one cement and five sand ) to 12 mm thick. How much Bag of Cement (50 Kg) and Sand (Cum)
if i used salt as a add mixture in concrete, then what will happen and what are the naturally available add mixtures.
what is water cement ratio in design mix and its percentage in concrete and mortar?
1 Answers Jain Housing, Shivshakti Sugars, Tulip,