how to find motor contactor rating and bimetalic relay rating? of 30kw motor which will operate on star-delta starter?
6 20165hi frnds i hav got thro BHEL written exam..wat to prepare for me plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 12007In General Business scenario we use cost center for cost collection and for short term or special purpose we use Internal order. If we use Internal Order insteed of cost center accounting so what happend. any data volume or periodic lost data we face.
1 4722How much quantity of water required for curing of: 1) For concrete of 10cu-m or 10sq-m 2) For blockwork of 10sq-m 3) For plastering of 10sq-m
10185Trapezoidal footing length = 2m , B=1.7m D=0.5m and d- 0.15m. Can anybody help and calculate quantity of concrete by explaining all formulas involved.
19 191132Post New HCC Interview Questions
What is the buddy system of memory allocation in operating system (os)?
Mention any four accessories used in pre historic period.
What is shape factor?
What is difference between Performance Management and Performance Appraisal?
What is difference between mongodb and mysql?
How to protect a process from others to kill?
Write command to start and stop development server in ember.js?
How cookies are trported from browsers to servers?
What are the different neo4j cql command?
How do you create multiple duplicates in excel?
Explain first() operation in Apache Spark RDD?
What is javaserver faces ui component?
Why vector is used in java?
Outline the process flow for sales returns.
How to remotely administer ms iis?