How to convert lowercase letters to uppercase and uppercase letters to lowercase in a string. (ex, AbcdEfG should convert as aBCDeFg)
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easiest way is to use the condition-
if(s[i]>=65 && s[i]<=90) //Caps ASCII-65-90(60+32=97-----90+32=122)
if(s[i]>=97 && s[i]<=122) // Small ASCII-97-122(97-32=65-----122-32=90)
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Answer / kunal
SELECT listagg(newstr) within GROUP (
WHEN SUBSTR('AbcdEfG',level,1)=upper(SUBSTR('AbcdEfG',level,1))
THEN lower(SUBSTR('AbcdEfG',level,1))
ELSE upper(SUBSTR('AbcdEfG',level,1))
END newstr,
rownum rm
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <=LENGTH('AbcdEfG')
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Answer / debashis mohanty
Select 'AbcdEfG',LOWER(SUBSTR('AbcdEfG',1,1))||UPPER(SUBSTR('AbcdEfG',2,3))||LOWER(SUBSTR('AbcdEfG',5,1))||UPPER(SUBSTR('AbcdEfG',6,1))||LOWER(SUBSTR('AbcdEfG',7,1)) From Dual
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