How does pl sql work?
What is the use of sqlerrd 3?
Source is Sales Table: Sno Prod Sales Sales_Amount 1 A 10 2000 2 A 20 1000 3 C 10 3000 4 D 30 4000 5 A 20 1000 Target : Sales_Count T_Sales_Amt Sales_Count(A) T_Sales_Amt(A) 90 11000 50 4000 In single query, pls tell me.
Let us suppose we have a table with structure in order empno empname empdesig empcountry and now i want to re-organize the columns of this table to empno empdesig empname empcountry how can i do this with queries ? assume that table contains the data.
what is isam? : Sql dba
How can you load microsoft excel data into oracle? : aql loader
What is optimistic concurrency control? : Transact sql
Types of joins ?
3 Answers Digital GlobalSoft, HeadStrong,
explain the difference between bool, tinyint and bit. : Sql dba
write a query filter the null value data following source? name age john 30 smith null null 24 sharp 35 i want output name age john 30 sharp 35
What are variables in pl sql?
What is difference between select statement and cursor
Does sql*plus have a pl/sql engine?