What are the types of queries in sql?
How to pronounce postgresql?
what is online transaction processing (oltp)? : Sql dba
I want to execute a piece of code before calling a procedure. How to achieve it?
Are null values same as that of zero or a blank space?
Explain about various levels of constraint.
Can we use ddl statements in stored procedure?
What is the syntax and use of the coalesce function?
If you have to declare procedure1,procedure2 in package specification and if you have to declare procedure1,procedure2 and procedure3 in package body? is it compilation or not and execute or not? what type of error is given please
Can you inner join the same table?
What does partition by mean in sql?
How packaged procedures and functions are called from the following?
suppose I have two table one Emp and other is dpt. Emp table has a field ,dept id,name ,sal and dpt table has a field dept id,dept name. Now I want to find out the emplyee list whose sal is between 2000-3000 from dept x.
7 Answers Geometric Software, IBM,