What is the difference between sql and mysql?
how can we destroy the cookie? : Sql dba
Why is sql important?
i have a table like this. cityno cityname mails 1 BANGALORE 8KM 2 HSR LAYOUT 20KM 3 MEJISTIC 30KM 4 JAYADEVA 55KM 5 ITPL 80KM 6 HEBBAL 115KM I HAVE DATA LIKE THIS I WANT O/P LIKE THIS DISTANCE NO.OFCITY 0-50KM 3 51-100KM 2 101-150KM 4 AND SO ON pls give me answer. i want urgent
What is right join sql?
How many disk partitions should I have?
If we have n no of columns in a table, can we add new column in that table with not null constraint?
What are all the difference between Like and Contains ?
how to get help information from the server? : Sql dba
What are the types of keys?
What is oracle ? why we should go for oracle database instead of diffrent databases available in the industry.
What is difference between group by and partition by?
how do you know if your mysql server is alive? : Sql dba