Can I learn sql in a week?
i need department wise top 2 employees salary.which logic i will use
explain access control lists. : Sql dba
Why do we use view in sql?
What is the difference between SQL Constraint and PL/SQL constraint.Pls give all the constraint name.
Where is pl sql used?
what is the difference between the query and corelated query
8 Answers HSBC, IBM, TCS, Xenosoft,
How many triggers can be implemented for a table?
Which is faster truncate or drop?
how can we destroy the cookie? : Sql dba
if table named a is there and 4 records are there then how to swap (1 and 3) and (2 and 4) records at a time
Mention what does plv msg allows you to do?
How to run sql functions in pl/sql?