What steps server process has to take to execute an update statement?
How many types of database triggers can be specified on a table ? What are they ?
what are dynamic queries in t-sql? : Transact sql
What does select count (*) mean in sql?
wt is the diff b/w greast and max ,least and min? wt is the diff b/w case and decod?
4 Answers Oracle, TCS, Tecnics,
How do I add a database to sql?
what is the order of pre-defined exceptions.
Are ddl triggers fired for ddl statements within a pl/sql code executed using the dbms.sql package?
what is collation? : Sql dba
What is nvarchar in sql?
write a procedure to find top second no from a list of numbers
Are sql connections encrypted?
What are packages in pl sql and also explain its advantages?