List out the steps for Sanctioned Party list initial upload
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Answer / lijo s
SPL Screening Steps:
Reset the buffer
Generate comparison terms
Evaluate comparison terms
Aggregate comparison terms
Transferring Comparison terms to SAP TREX
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Answer / prema mahendran
When the SPL/DPL file is sent from data providers (FEDEX, MK Data ), through Middleware system (LIASON / TIBCO) the SPL file gets in GTS and performs the following.
Usually background jobs are set in the sequence.
--Resetting application buffer
--Generate comparison terms
--Evaluate comparison terms
--Aggregate comparison terms
--Transferring comparison terms
By virtue of SAP GTS 11.0, ( needless to mention) SPL is more powerful with SAP HANA. With this, we can avoid the above SPL screening steps !
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