How to use computer cpu ups use for home inverter circuit board
i need 24v dc from 230v ac supply how we can getit ? what are the devices &its rating requied for that ? plzz i need answer urgently .thank u
What is encoder, how it function
Explain the function of VFD
what is power system.........?
How can I known multiplying factor .without multiplying table
what will be the motor terminal box connection arrangement (star or delta). on what basis it decided?
line and phase voltage relationship?
what is electrostatic presipitator in thermal power plant,and why it is used?
What is a Single Phase and Three phase Power? How it will be converted or transformed into another form?
why we are using2 wave trap in a feeder?
what is the meaning of the parameters labeled on the surge arrestor like 150/20 ???
What is the alternate solution for testing of polarity by using polarity tester while its milli ammeter does not works?