What is all weather canal
Define What is unit weight of normal concrete?
Discuss some applications of modular elasticity?
what is the cut length for Fe 500?
Q 1) 1 Mason and 2 LABOUR / _________CUM brick work Q 2) 1 Mason and 1 LABOUR / _________SQ FT Plaster work Q 3) 1 Carpenter & 2 Labour/_________SQ FT shuttering work Q 4) 100 SQ FT roof slab concreting ____________mason and labour required
how did find the quantity of cement ,sand , and aggregate in concreat which is givan by volume
test procedure of fly ash bricks as per code
do aerocon blocks give more or less equal strength than that of bricks...?
levelling least count
How to calculate Volume of Wet cement concrete for a specific grade?
What is the basis of choice for cement sand plaster in ratio 1:4 and 1:6 on interior walls of a residential apartment.
what is a pretension and post tension with an example
we have a bore well 275 depth & water is deliver at distance of 1000 feet from the borewell here iam not include the distance of depth and the deliver water horizontally at our reserviour tank on ground level