What do you mean by Inbound and Outbound interface?
what are all interfaces developed so far---relate to sap-xi
What is the flow of a Sales document?
What is the difference between CHAIN … ENDCHAIN and FIELD commands in Module Pool?
How system does if I don’t want w/tax for some of vendors for some period & again I wnt to use it?
What is the difference between INSTANCE methods and STATIC methods?
What do you mean by BDC (Batch Data Communications) programming?
What do you mean by an ABAP data dictionary?
How can you debug a script form?
What is the difference between a ‘Database index’ and a ‘Match code’?
What is the difference between PASS BY VALUE and PASS BY REFERENCE?
What is the difference between inner joins and outer joins?
What are the types of Function Modules? What is an UPDATE function module?