How can we identify User exits in our screen?
In ABAP what are the differences between table and structure in data dictionary?
What are the standard IDOC's used?
What is the difference between AT SELECTION-SCREEN and AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT?
Explain the difference between dialog program and a report?
What are the internal tables?
What are different types of parameters? How can you distinguish between different kinds of parameters?
What is dispatcher?
Explain the difference between Template and Table?
List down the functional modules used in sequence in BDC?
A system has two clients 100 and 500 on the same application server. If you make changes to a SAPSCRIPT onclient 100,will the changesbe available in client 500?
Mention the difference between ABAP and OOABAP? In what situation do you use OOABAP?
what are the importent things whan we are configaration of mm module?