Differnce between negative Pahse SequenceFunction and unbalance Function?
Explain in brief description about the operation of DG sets.
why the three phase transformer's star point does not sparks or seperated? while we often see that two phases touches each other it sparks and ocationaly conductor breakes out.
Why electrical power generation and transmission done in 3 phase system not more than 3 phase ?
What is the thumb rule for calculating the P.F correction Capacitor?? Say for 100 hp motor how much micro farad Capacitor is needed .... Thumb rule so quick answer wanted
what is amf panel & how it is working
Why Transistors are not used as switching devices?
what should be the value of proper neutral earthing resistance?
I am getting above 60 V as open delta voltage against single phase unit ICT at tertiary delta formed and ICT getting trippped on NDR. ICT tested and found in order. PTs provided on tertiary are tested and in order. what may be the reason?
we have earthmat at 110KV substation.we would like to take earth resistance.b some says that by connecting earth megger terminals (C1,P1) at middile point of earthmat (at riser) will cause voltage gradient at other earthmat nods and dont get exat earth resistance.when connecting at end nods will get exat value . is it correct .please explain
0 Answers TNEB Tamil Nadu Electricity Board,
Shall I use 40A semiconductor Fuses in 32 A SFU ? Frame size is same. What Happen if Fuses burn on SFU?
What is an Isolation Transformer? Where it will use?
why we use star connection in HT motor? and delta connection in LT motor