Find the oracle alert log?
Where can you find a list of object keys included in a transport?
how java instance processes starts?or how java startup and control frame work starts the java instance?
What is Remote Transaction Processing?
how u apply OSS note how you roll back
How can one send and receive emails in SAP what is the procedure to send and receive emails through SAP Application a brief description?
Explain SAP Buffers, Types, and Parameters?
Which are the most frequent errors encountered while dealing with transports ?
Describe the transport steps procedure.
Did you use Java stack. My answer was "No". If somebody's answer is "Yes", please elobrate what did you do, what is it and usage and etc. You might want to give some reference to read as well.
hai tell me that which back ground program is run when we using tp param , client copy and back ground jobs schduling, and if any other you know tell me guys?
How we can configure the transport management system.
How to add sap router entry into sap gui logon pad.