Where will u find transport error logs?
Which type of Backup and Redo log backup is performed daily? And which type of Backup and Redo log backup is performed Weekly in the organization?
How do you configure transport profile?
what is the difference with oracle 9i and 10g?
Dear all, I m looking out a Remote Support Service for SAP BASIS opperation, my entire database is within my company only, and we are currently using SAP 4.7, we also looking for upgratation to ECC 6.0. Can any one suggest me who the company is beetr for Upgradation as well as REMOTE BASIS SUPPORT. kindly provide me the PRICE for Remote SAP BASIS SUPPORT SERVICES. Thanks in advance
When you use DB02 Transaction, You see something called as Swaps, What are they, and how the increase in swaps does affect your SAP system Performance
What is supplementation language?
How to know whether a system is Unicode or non Unicode?
What is XI3.0? Explain XI
how to know if there are expensive sql statements running?what will you do then to improve the response time?
How can I delete a data file that was created by mistake?
i have t-code su01 in crm and r3 in a financial org.i can create sap ids , unlock /lock sap ids , assign t-code, roles & assignment to users . what else can be done ? more importantly am i eligible for a job in sap basis since i am doing this job for last 2 years ?
can we give one check for all vendors in automatic payment run? how?