if interviewer asked why we are hire you
what is your technique of selling? How do u manage distributor? How do u manage stock in SS?
Do you have any supervisory skills?
Define the roles and responsibilities of a TSO with emphasis on the below tasks: Driving Secondary and Primary Sales
You are out to sell, what is your objective?
What you find most rewarding about being in sales?
What is more important, product or customer service?
Hi, I am working for an MNC as an marketing and sales specialist.Not very much satified with my work nature and my interest towards SAP I want to do SAP-SD.I am working for almost an year and want to shift towards SAP.Can anyone tell me how good it would be to shift and how are the job opputunities for SAP freshers like me.
why u want to enter into banking sector after doing mba in marketing?
After taking my technical round , i was pitted against a person for playing the game of carrom..........
Difference between modern and traditional concepts of marketing
why u join fmcg sector and leave finaicial sector?
3 Answers Hindustan Unilever Limited, WalMart,
Apart from financial considerations, what is challenging about marketing?