DRDO 2006 Interview Questions & Placement Paper & My Experience
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Answer / mahesh babu
hello fresh engineers,
i would like to share my interview questions over here so that others may
be benefited from this.
firstly i finished my BE in 2000 (ECE) from Utkal university,Orissa.when i
wasdoing my graduation i got a firm decision that i hav to get throughonly
central govt jobs and not any privates or softwares.as u all know getting
through central govt jobs is tedious but inever gave up my aim.i wrote GATE
-01 for my MTech and entered in to P.G.(CSE) in NIT,Rourkela,Orissa .nearly
2 yrs went off and i lost my fresher status .no privates wereready to
recruit non freshers.I passed through many thorny paths.first i wrote my
Bharat Electronics exam.this was my first and i cleared written but failed
in Interview..
Secondly i wrote National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC)and i
cleared written but failed in Interview
third i wrote TCS did not clear
but still i believed that God will shower his blessings one day.mynights
went through cries.i became sleepless thinking of my future.
i realized to search a temorary one .i got a job as lecturer(ECE) in
CVRaman college of engg.,BHUBANESWAR,ORISSA forRS.11000/month.This helped
me a lot to refresh my subjects.
next i wrote BSNL did not clear
next i Wrote IOCL did not clear
then i wrote HPCL did not clear
then Airports exam did not clear.
finally i lost my hope & i decided that i was not fit enoughto get through
govt jobs. and i started to continue my lecturer jobdeciding to settle in that.
then i came through freshers sucess stories and my parents and my friends
encouraged me a lot !" if u did not get the one u long for.dont frustrate
GOD isgoing to give the best ".
finally it worked out & i got through INDIA'S prestigiousorganisation CWPRS
as a Research Asst.?(Eng.). IAM IN MY Probation PERIOD AT CWPRS,PUNE .
interview panel is of seven members:
i wished "Good Mrg. to all of you sirs!"
chairman in the middle with several experts from different fields of
elctronics and tele com.
chairman formally asked about my present experience at cwprs.(introductory
questions to make comfortable)
1.Why do you want to leave the job?
2.Tell us about your teaching/present experience.
6. Whats about promotion channel in your organisation?
then one of the member asked about my MTech thesis(Digital Image Processing)
they offered me a pencil and a paper to explain.
1.what do you mean by Image Processing ?
2.what is segmentation?
3. what are the filters u will use?
4. difference between digital signal Procesing &Digital Image Processing?
5.waht is the difference between EDGE&BOUNDARY?
Another member asked about my present experience at cwprs.(Differential
Global Positioning Systems)
1.what do you mean by Differential Global Positioning Systems ?
2.which method u will use for GPS for loacting a point?
3. what is triangulation method?
4. how many systems are there in DGPS?
5.what i s satellite communication ?how many stellites are used for gps?
6.what freq. range for gps?L-CODE,P-CODE,C/A CODE ETC.
NEXT, member from signal processing..
1. suppose a signal is there how u will find out it's freq?
2.what is diff between periodic and non- peridoc signals?
3. for non-periodic signals how u will find out the freq ?
4. what is the diff between F.T and F. Series?
5. what are filters?
6. design band pass filter?
7. take R,L,C components and design a band pass filter!
8.draw the frequency response charecteristics of band pass filter?
9.at the output of the filter what are parameters that wiil chage?
then, chairman
10. o.k, a simple question how u will design a notch filter/band reject
filter and dra the frequency response?
next, chairman asked for this interview what subjects u prepared?
i told communication principles..
yah, good
do u know PCM?
1. what is PCM?
2. draw the block diagram for pcm comunication.
3.sampling rate?
4. expalin eeach block?
5. quantisation noise?
6. what is modem
7.difference between bit rate and baud rate?
next member asked few questions on micropreocesor and microcontroller
then nextmember on some computer arch. questions?
what is watch dog timer?
what is interrupt latency?
what is memory bandwidth?
this all about one hour interview....
lastly , they told "u can go now"
i left the room wishing "thanks to all of you"
now ,iam waitnig for the results..
let us c what happens....
Is This Answer Correct ? | 77 Yes | 10 No |
Answer / milan
Can you share how you got through CWPRS,PUNE..!
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / preeti
Hi ,
Could you please tell me how to check for the jobs
available at cwprs(i didnt find much on its site)...when
are the vaccancies likely to be posted for Engineers
(freshers as well as experienced)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 4 No |
2maro i am going to attend for a drdo written exam which
subs they will cover in exam can u inform me?
in few days i am going to write a bhel exam too u pls tell
the tips to prepare for that exam i am a instrumentation and
control engg 2008 pass out bach.
i hope u reply soon
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / yogesh tayal
dear all,
i m going to face drdo interview on dated 7 mar'08,please
give me some tips ..what should i do?
Yogesh TAYAL
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / hyma
on dec 7th i am appearing to DRDO exam. can u plz giv me
tips how to prepare.........
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 5 No |
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