faq of datawarehousing

faq of datawarehousing..

Answer / honney

81. How do you transfert the data from data warehouse to flatfile?
You can write a mapping with the flat file as a target using a
DUMMY_CONNECTION. A flat file target is built by pulling a source into
target space using Warehouse Designer tool.
82. Diff between informatica repositry server & informatica server
Informatica Repository Server:It's manages connections to the repository
from client application.
Informatica Server:It's extracts the source data,performs the data
transformation,and loads the transformed data into the target
83. What is Router transformation?
Router transformation allows you to use a condition to test data. It is
similar to filter transformation. It allows the testing to be done on one
or more conditions
84. What are 2 modes of data movement in Informatica Server?
The data movement mode depends on whether Informatica Server should
process single byte or multi-byte character data. This mode selection can
affect the enforcement of code page relationships and code page validation
in the Informatica Client and Server.
a) Unicode - IS allows 2 bytes for each character and uses additional byte
for each non-ascii character (such as Japanese characters)
b) ASCII - IS holds all data in a single byte
The IS data movement mode can be changed in the Informatica Server
configuration parameters. This comes into effect once you restart the
Informatica Server.
85. How to read rejected data or bad data from bad file and reload it
to target?
correction the rejected data and send to target relational tables using
loadorder utility. Find out the rejected data by using column indicatior
and row indicator
86. Explain the informatica Architecture in detail
informatica server connects source data and target data using native
odbc drivers
again it connect to the repository for running sessions and retriveing
metadata information
source------>informatica server--------->target
87. how can we partition a session in Informatica?
The Informatica® PowerCenter® Partitioning option optimizes parallel
processing on multiprocessor hardware by providing a thread-based
architecture and built-in data partitioning.
GUI-based tools reduce the development effort necessary to create data
partitions and streamline ongoing troubleshooting and performance tuning
tasks, while ensuring data integrity throughout the execution process. As
the amount of data within an organization expands and real-time demand for
information grows, the PowerCenter Partitioning option
enables hardware and applications to provide outstanding performance and
jointly scale to handle large volumes of data and users.
88. What is Load Manager?
Ans: While running a Workflow,the PowerCenter Server uses the Load Manager
process and the Data Transformation Manager Process (DTM) to run the
workflow and carry out workflow tasks.When the PowerCenter Server runs a
workflow, the Load Manager performs the following tasks:

1. Locks the workflow and reads workflow properties.
2. Reads the parameter file and expands workflow variables.
3. Creates the workflow log file.
4. Runs workflow tasks.
5. Distributes sessions to worker servers.
6. Starts the DTM to run sessions.
7. Runs sessions from master servers.
8. Sends post-session email if the DTM terminates abnormally.

When the PowerCenter Server runs a session, the DTM performs the following
1. Fetches session and mapping metadata from the repository.
2. Creates and expands session variables.
3. Creates the session log file.
4. Validates session code pages if data code page validation is enabled.
Checks query
conversions if data code page validation is disabled.
5. Verifies connection object permissions.
6. Runs pre-session shell commands.
7. Runs pre-session stored procedures and SQL.
8. Creates and runs mapping, reader, writer, and transformation threads to
extract,transform, and load data.
9. Runs post-session stored procedures and SQL.
10. Runs post-session shell commands.
11. Sends post-session email.
89. What is Data cleansing..?
The process of finding and removing or correcting data that is incorrect,
out-of-date, redundant, incomplete, or formatted incorrectly.

Data cleansing is a two step process including DETECTION and then
CORRECTION of errors in a data set.

This is nothing but polising of data. For example of one of the sub system
store the Gender as M and F. The other may store it as MALE and FEMALE. So
we need to polish this data, clean it before it is add to Datawarehouse.
Other typical example can be Addresses. The all sub systesms maintinns the
customer address can be different. We might need a address cleansing to
tool to have the customers addresses in clean and neat form.

90.To provide support for Mainframes source data,which files r used as a
source definitions?
COBOL Copy-book files

91. Where should U place the flat file to import the flat file
defintion to the designer?

Place it in local folder
There is no such restrication to place the source file. In performance
point of view its better to place the file in server local src folder. if
you need path please check the server properties availble at workflow
It doesn't mean we should not place in any other folder, if we place in
server src folder by default src will be selected at time session creation.
92. How many ways you can update a relational source defintion and
what r they?
Two ways
1. Edit the definition
2. Reimport the definition
93. While importing the relational source defintion from database,what
are the meta data of source U import?
Source name
Database location
Column names
Key constraints
94. Which transformation should u need while using the cobol sources
as source defintions?
Normalizer transformaiton which is used to normalize the data.Since cobol
sources r oftenly consists of Denormailzed data.
95. What is the maplet?
Maplet is a set of transformations that you build in the maplet designer
and U can use in multiple mapings.

96. what is a transforamation?
It is a repostitory object that generates,modifies or passes data.
a transformation is repository object that pass data to the next stage(i.e
to the next transformation or target) with/with out modifying the data
97. What r the designer tools for creating tranformations?
Mapping designer
Tansformation developer
Mapplet designer
98.What r the active and passive transforamtions?

Transformations can be active or passive. An active transformation can
change the number of rows that pass through it, such as a Filter
transformation that removes rows that do not meet the filter condition.
A passive transformation does not change the number of rows that pass
through it, such as an Expression transformation that performs a
calculation on data and passes all rows through the transformation
99. How many ways u create ports?
Two ways
1.Drag the port from another transforamtion
2.Click the add buttion on the ports tab.
100. What r the reusable transforamtions?
Reusable transformations can be used in multiple mappings.When u need to
incorporate this transformation into maping,U add an instance of it to
maping.Later if U change the definition of the transformation ,all
instances of it inherit the changes.Since the instance of reusable
transforamation is a pointer to that transforamtion,U can change the
transforamation in the transformation developer,its instances
automatically reflect these changes.This feature can save U great deal of

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