I am in the process of designing a small traditional Japanese house for myself. I am trying to use as many natural materials as possible. I believe one of the traditional methods was the use of clay in the exterior walls and finish. I would like to stay away from treated plywood if I can. Could you offer some suggestions?
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What personal quality is important to be an architect?
I am architecture student. What type of foundation is preferred in Alluvial soil ? where the soil texture is sandy loam...and also which type of foundation is used for steel structure which will be for 6 story building design
rate for 5" thk rcc slab using rebarring in pune
how much steel is required for 40*35 ft roof slab41/2" thick.what is the spacing from bar to bar.
What is the vat & Services in interior decoration with material & give some example
Hi i am going to attend Deputy Architect interview in Telecommunication Dept. through UPSC I dont know the type of questions they will ask. I will be very thankful if anyone could help me. Please send to my email-id ganesh_dev@rediffmail.com Please any one have experience of some other Dept., please reply me. my interview in on 10th of Nov. only 5 days left. please help.
I am Planning to Contruct a floor appartment on my own thro a Contractor . How to estimate the Constrction Cost , to negociate with the Contractor.
what is the role of an architect
What are some things I can do in high school to prepare me to study interior design in college?
what advice do you have for Architectural Draughtsmanship student who wish to became architects?
why you want to become artictecture
How i can calculate material for 1000 sq foot plot.
what is the maximum depth at which the open foundation bridge can be done
describe an achievement highlighting your approach to a problem you faced as well as the solution you developed
i am looking for Final year Architecture Designer or any home based project worker in chennai. contact 9500092822