Architecture Design Interview Questions
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what was the most complex thing you worked on?

1 4445

what caused you to decide become an architect?what skills do you bring to this job?


what is Interior Architechture and design?


DO you have experience in mosques architectures- designs?

1 4084

Is there a particular architect or specific building that you admire?


Tell me about a time when you had a project to complete with very little background materials?


Why did you choose Architecture as your major?


Name your favorite architects and what do you admire about their work?


Talk to me about your design philosophy?


How are European, Asian and US perceptions of architecture different?


Is there any structure that you've been in that it was difficult to leave?


whta is meant by lintel?

3 11659

Define pediment?

1 4219

Define frieze?

1 5171

I am in the process of designing a small traditional Japanese house for myself. I am trying to use as many natural materials as possible. I believe one of the traditional methods was the use of clay in the exterior walls and finish. I would like to stay away from treated plywood if I can. Could you offer some suggestions?

1 6882

Un-Answered Questions { Architecture Design }

details about telephone wiring


The telecommunications offered by the GSM PLMN may be divided into three main groups.what is it?


What is siporex block and its uses?


If you are self employed, what were some things that you did to get your name out? If not, what do you think are some good strategies to do so?


how much steel required for 1 sq area for swimmin pool construcion


Why were the Gothic Churches able to have large stain glass windows?


I am architecture student. What type of foundation is preferred in Alluvial soil ? where the soil texture is sandy loam...and also which type of foundation is used for steel structure which will be for 6 story building design


describe an achievement highlighting your approach to a problem you faced as well as the solution you developed


Is DataStage Designer, a thin client or a thick client?


Do you think that even with the economy now, interior designers have job security?


what is the maximum depth at which the open foundation bridge can be done


how many registers are there in core i5 processor?


What is the more accurate formula to convert wet concrete to dry aggregate instead of the 54% method?


One House is being constructed by an Civil Engg. all pillars are as per structure, but north side there should be 4 pillars among two at back side were 6" inside from the border and remaining two comes front were placed 1'6" inside. is it ok as per vaastu, else if i alter the alignment what would be the best idea, kindly help me.


How CPU handle an interrupt operations?