What Maximam Gap Taibaar & Bush
There is two transformers of 2MVA & 3MVA, which transformer is located at the sending end & which is at receiving end. why?
Do anyone know how can I calculate earthing for substation or do anyone know any software which I can use for this case
what is effect of brush shift in machine?
During the testing of Electrical Equipment the test cables should not touch the equipments. For that testing engineers use to cotton rope to hang the cable from measuring Equipment to testing equipment terminal. Please explain the technical reason for this practice.
why the under of transformer platform is filled with rock stones.
10 Answers TNEB Tamil Nadu Electricity Board,
What types domain of laplace transforms? What behavior can laplace transform predict how the system work?
why a pure inductive circuit has zero power output?
how to crack cgpsc,which type of knowledge it is required,where i can get systematic study material and some tips?
What is stray looses?
what is the mechanism of operation of brushless dc motor why is it more wexpensive then ordinary permanent magnet motors
How i can identify the 220V and 110V power supply equipment? No tag number.
Explain with example of functional requirements of protection relay in terms reliability, selectivity, sensitivity